ECOLOGY-Part 4 - Model questions for various competitive exams like CSIR-JRF, SET, NET, GATE, CUCET, PG ENTRANCE


Biological interaction classification, postive interactions, negative interactions, mutualism, commensalism, preadation, parasitism, competition
Biological interactions

         1.      Which one of the following is/are true regarding biological interactions?

                 I.          The bread mold Penicillium is a common example of ammensalism.

               II.          In competition, both the species harmed.

              III.          In antagonistic interaction, one species benefited in the expense of the other.

              IV.          In commensalism, one organism benefited. Other neither benefited nor harmed.


A.     i, ii and iv

B.     i and iii

C.     iii and iv

D.     all of the above

              2.      match the following

                      i.          Commensalism

    1.      Sea anemone and Hermite crab

                       ii.          Obligate mutualism

     2.      Remora living with a shark

                      iii.          Ammensalism

      3.      Lichen

                      iv.          Facultative mutualism

      4.      Bread mold


A.     i-4, ii-3, iii-2, iv-1

B.     i-3, ii-4, iii-1, iv-2

C.     i-2, ii-3, iii-4, iv-1

D.     i-4, ii-2, iii-3, iv-1

       3.      the term symbiosis was first used by

A.     Heinrich Anton de Bary

B.     Haeckel

C.     Huxley

D.     Darwin

4       4.      Which one is true?

A.     Commensalism when none of the interacting populations affects each other.

B.     Symbiosis when the interaction is useful to both the populations.

C.     Symbiosis when neither populations affect each other

D.     Commensalism when the interaction is useful to both the populations

          5.  Which one of the following is not an example of endosymbiosis

A.     Nitrogen-fixing bacteria living in root nodules on legume plants.

B.     Frankia which live in Alder tree root nodules.

C.     Barnacles that attach themselves to the jaw of baleen whales.

D.     Single-celled algae inside reef-building corals.

6         6.      One animal attaching to another animal for transportation only is called

A.     Phoresy

B.     Inquilinism

C.     Metabiosis

D.     Parasitism

         7.      Match the following


       1.      Phoresy

                      i.          second organism uses something the first created

     a)     epiphytic plants

       2.      Inquilinism

                    ii.          One animal   attaching to another animal for transportation only

       b)      hermit crabs that use gastropod shells

       3.      Metabiosis

                    iii.          One animal Using a second organism for housing

       c)      mites on insects



A.     1-ii-c, 2-iii-a, 3-i-b

B.     1-i-b, 2-ii-c, 3-iii-a

C.     1-ii-a, 2-i-c, 3-iii-b

D.     1-iii-c, 2-ii-b, 3-i-a

           8.       the high density of deer population in an area can result in

A.     Intraspecific competition

B.     Interspecific competition

C.     Predation on one another

D.     Mutualism

9       9.      Which one of the following is/are correct?

                 I.          Character displacement is a phenomenon in which two species that live in the same habitat tend to diverge in those characteristics that overlap.

               II.         The idea of character displacement was developed by W. L. Brown and E. O. Wilson

              III.          Character displacement increase competition

              IV.          Character displacement is a short term effect of competition

A.     I and III

B.     I and II

C.     II and III

D.     I and IV        

      10.   Which one of the following is NOT correct

a.      Competitive exclusion principle is a short term effect of competition.

b.      Competitive exclusion principle occurs in ecological time scale.

c.      Competitive exclusion principle is a long term effect of competition.

d.      Competitive exclusion principle is also called Gause’s principle

A.     a and b

B.     b only

C.     c only

D.     b and c  

      11.   If greater number of competitive species present in a habitat, each species will tend to search food resources on a smaller part of the total available habitat. This is termed as

A.     Neutralism

B.     Ecological compression

C.     Character displacement

D.     Competitive exclusion principle

        12.   Pick out the wrong statement

A.     Allelopathy is a type of biological interaction, in which an organism produces biochemicals that influence the growth and survival of another organisms.

B.     Allelopathy is a type of biological interaction, in which an organism  provide shelter to another organism

C.     Allelopathy is positive or negative

D.     Plants in the family Poaceae show allelopathic traits




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