ECOLOGY-Part 2 - Model questions for various competitive exams like CSIR-JRF, SET, NET, GATE, CUCET, PG ENTRANCE



1.      Which of the following is/are NOT correct regarding natality

A.    Natality rate is expressed as the number of individuals produced per female per unit time

B.     Natality refers to the birth of individuals in a population.

C.     Ecological natality is a constant for a given population

D.    Maximum natality is the theoretical maximum number of individual produced under ideal environmental condition

A.    A and B

B.     B and C

C.     D only

D.    C only

2.      Which of the following is/are NOT correct regarding population density

A.    Density is expressed as the total number of individuals per unit area or volume per the unit area at a given time

B.     Crude density is expressed per unit of a habitat space

C.     Specific density expressed per unit total space

D.    Mark-recapture the technique is a common method to find out population density.

A.    A only

B.     B and C

C.     C and D

D.    A, B, C and D

3.      A cohort is a group of individuals all of whom have the

A.    Same sex

B.     Same niche

C.     Same age

D.    None of the above

4.      The place where an organism lives is known as

A.    Niche

B.     Habitat

C.     Ecosystem

D.    Habit

5.      Multi-dimensional Niche concept was developed by

A.     Hutchinson

B.     Odum

C.     Grinell

D.    Tilman

6.      Which of the following is/are NOT correct regarding ecological niches

                                     i.          Fundamental niche is smaller than the realised niche

                                   ii.          Ecological equivalents are the species, that use similar niches in different habitats

                                  iii.          Guilds are a group of species with comparable role and niche dimensions within a community

                                  iv.          Realized niche is smaller than fundamental niche

A.    i, ii and iv

B.     iv and iii

C.     i only

D.    all the above

7.      which of the following is a correct statement

P.     The sharing of niche space by two or more species is called niche overlap

Q.    Niche overlap gives an idea about the similarity in resource utilization of two species

R.     The degree and type of niche overlap can be used to study interspecific competition

S.     The range niche space occupied by a species is called niche width

A.    P and Q

B.     Q and R

C.     S and P

D.    All the above

8.      The term ecotype is coined by

A.    Turesson

B.     Odum

C.     John ray

D.    Huxley

9.      Which of the following is the most stable ecosystem?

A.    Forest

B.     Mountain

C.     Ocean

D.    Desert

10.   Niche overlap indicates

A.    Two different parasites on the same host

B.     Sharing of resources between two species

C.     Mutualism between two species

D.    Active cooperation between two species

























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