ECOLOGY-Part I - Model questions for various competitive exams like CSIR-JRF, SET, NET, GATE, CUCET, PG ENTRANCE

Ecology is the study of the interactions between living organisms, and their physical environment.

All organisms such as plants, animals, microbes, human beings continuously interact with each other and with their surroundings. these interactions are necessary for their development and survival. An area with its living and non-living components is termed an ecosystem and it is a functional unit of nature.

Photoperiodism in plants, short day plants, long day plants


1.      1. Ecology term was Coined by

A)     Ernst Haeckel

B)     Herbert Spencer

C)     Carl Linnaeus

D)     Victor Hensen

2.      2Heliophytes are plants which grow best in

A)     salty areas

B)     freshwater

C)     full sunlight

D)     shade conditions

3.      3the plants which grow best in shade conditions are called

A)     bryophytes

B)     Halophytes

C)     Epiphytes

D)     Sciophytes

4.          4. Match the following

       1.      Grow best at low intensities of light      

       A)   Heliophytes

      2.      Grow in shade, but can grow very            well under sunlight

       B)     Sciophytes

      3.      Grow in sunlight, but can grow very          well under shade

       C)     facultative sciophytes

      4.      Grow best at high intensities of light

       D)     Facultative heliophytes


A)     1-A, 2-C, 3-D, 4-B

B)     1-B, 2-A, 3-C, 4-D

C)     1-B, 2-D, 3-C, 4-A

D)     1-B, 2-A, 3-D, 4-C

5.                   5. Match the following

    1.develop and flower when the photoperiod is less than a critical

      A)     long-day plants

                     i.          Salvia splendens,

Cannabis sativa, Datura stramonium

     2. Need photoperiod more than the critical level

      B)     short-day plants

                     ii.          Secale cereal, Sonchus oleraceum Sorghum vulgare.

      3.  Development not related to the photoperiod

     C)     Day neutral plants

                   Iii.          Cucumis sativus,

Gossypium hirsutum, Nicotiana tabacum


A)     1-A-iii, 2-B-i, 3-C-ii

B)     1-C-iii, 2-A-ii, 3-A-i

C)     1-B-ii, 2-A-i, 3-C-iii

D)     1-B-ii, 2-A-iii, 3-C- i

6.          6.   Match the following

                    i.          Light regulate speed of locomotion

      A)     phototactic

                   ii.          Light determines the orientation of locomotion

      B)     photokinesis

                   iii.          Movement of a body part in response to light

C)     phototropism


A)     1-A, 2-C, 3-B

B)     1-C, 2-A, 3-B

C)     1-A, 2-B, 3-C

D)     1-B, 2-A, 3-C

7.             7. Match the following

1.      Dehydration and injury of tissue due to rapid transpiration and slow absorption in winter

     A)     desiccation

2.      Injury of plants living in a hot climate, when exposed to low temperature

     B)     Freezing injury

3.      At low-temperature levels, ice crystals form in the plant, tissues will destroy the cell

      C)     chilling injury


A)     1-A, 2-C, 3-B

B)     1-C, 2-A, 3-B

C)     1-A, 2-B, 3-C

D)     1-B, 2-A, 3-C

8.           8. Match the following

     A)     Jordan’s rule

                   i.          Animals live in cold climates have shorter ear, limbs and appendages than those living in a warmer area

     B)     Gloger’s rule

                     ii.          Animals in colder environments tend to have a larger body size than the animals found in the warmer region.

     C)     Allen’s rule

                    iii.          Within a species of endotherms, more pigmented forms found towards the equator.

     D)     Bergman’s rule

                    iv.          The vertebral number increases with latitude in fishes


A)     A-iv, B-iii, C-i, D-ii

B)     A-ii, B-I, C-iv, D-iii

C)     A-iii, B-ii, C-iv, D-i

D)     A-i, B-iv, C-iii, D-ii

9.     9 The population of birds in the colder region will tend to have relatively narrow and more acuminate wings than those in warmer regions.

A)     Allen’s rule

B)     Gause’s hypothesis

C)     Rensch's rule

D)     Jordon's rule

      10.   Match the following

1.      Megatherms

       i.          Coniferous type forests

a)      Low temp. throughout the year

2.      Mesotherms

      ii.          Tropical rain forest

b)      Very low temperature

3.      Microtherms

     iii.          Tropical deciduous forest

c)      High temp. throughout the year

4.      Hekistotherms

     iv.          Alpine vegetation

d)      High temperature alternate with low temperature


A)     1-iv-b, 2-iii-a, 3-i-c, 4-ii-d

B)     1-ii-c, 2-iv-a, 3-iii-b, 4-ii-d

C)     1-i-a, 2-iii-b, 3-ii-c, 4-iv-d

D)     1-ii-c, 2-iii-d, 3-i-a, 4-iv-b



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