ECOLOGY-Part 3 - Model questions for various competitive exams like CSIR-JRF, SET, NET, GATE, CUCET, PG ENTRANCE


image of age pyramids, expanding populations, stable populations, diminishing populations.
Age Pyramids

1        1.      The term metapopulation is coined by

A.     De Candolle

B.     Julian Huxley

C.     Richard Levins

D.     Linnaeus    

            2.    Which of the following is/are NOT correct regarding age pyramids.

                            I.          A  stable population is represented by a pyramid-shaped age structure.

                           II.          Birth rate is high in expanding populations.

                         III.          Diminishing the population is a declining population

                         IV.          The pre-reproductive group is the smallest in a stable population.


A.     I and II

B.     II only

C.     II and III

D.     I and IV

vv       3.      Survivorship curve is the graph showing the number of individuals surviving to each age for a given species or population. Match the following.

               I.          Type I    

      A.     Mortality is high during the initial stages of the life cycle

1.      Hydra

            II.          Type II

B.     Mortality is constant throughout the lifespan.

2.      Human

          III.          Type III

      C.     Mortality is low until near the end of life span

3.      Trees


A.     (I, A,3), (II, C, 1), (III, B, 2)

B.     (I, C, 2), (II, B, 1), (III, A, 3)

C.     (I, A, 2), (II, B, 3), (III, C, 1)

D.     (I, B, 3), (II, A, 1), (III, C, 2)

             4.      Find the correct statement, regarding population growth.

A.     J-shaped growth curve represents exponential growth at a constant rate

B.     If the natality become equal to carrying capacity, then the growth rate become zero.

C.     Carrying capacity is the maximum stable population size that a particular environment can support over a long period of time

D.     All of the above

             5.      Allee effect is a phenomenon in which,

A.     Growth rate increase with population size

B.     Growth rate decrease with population size

C.     Growth rate has no effect on growth rate

D.     None of the above

             6.      In an area, a specific group of insect population shows a rapid increase in during the rainy season followed by its disappearance at the end of the season. What does this          show?

A.     The food crops mature and die at the end of the season.

B.     Its growth curve is of J-type curve.

C.     The population of its predators increase gradually

D.     Its population growth is sigmoid.

             7.      The unrestricted reproductive capacity of a population is called?

A.     Fertility.

B.     Biotic potential.

C.     Birth rate.

D.     Carrying capacity.

              8.    In every population, two forces are acting each other to operate the growth and           development. One of them is the ability to reproduce at a given rate. The opposite force is?

A.     Mortality.

B.     Fecundity.

C.     Biotic control.

D.     Environmental resistance.

             9.      Which one is not related to K- strategists?

A.     Type III survivorship curve.

B.     They are mostly specialists.

C.     Smaller body and semelparity.

D.     Long lifespan.   

             10.   Which one is not a property of r-strategists?

A.     They are mostly generalists.

B.     Survivorship curve is type II and Type I

C.     Larger body and iteroparity.

D.     Short life span.






























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